University of Georgia's First English Bulldog Mascot Buried at Magnolia State Bank
Mr. Angel, 1944-46

Mr. Angel was a brindle and white colored English Bulldog, the first bulldog mascot for the University of Georgia. He was owned by Eastman, Ga., physician, Warren Coleman. At that time UGA didn't have a mascot roaming the sidelines. Mr. Coleman took note of this and began taking Mr. Angel to each of the games where they would stand on the sidelines together. Mr. Angel helped fill a void for the school during a few of the war years. You can find his picture in the 1945 and 46' UGA yearbook with the Georgia cheerleaders'. Ever since then the University of Georgia has continued to have the English Bulldog as their mascot.

"Mr. Angel, the first English Bulldog to serve the University of Georgia as its mascot, is buried near this spot. He spent many hours playing in the backyard of his owner, Dr. Warren A. Coleman, whose white-columned colonial style home was located on this lot, now owned by the Bank of Eastman.
Mr. Angel served as mascot from 1944 until Marie Coleman Wilson graduated in 1946. His beautiful appearance and captivating personality inspired the athletes of the University of Georgia to insist that his breed may remain as the school's full-time representative. Today, this type of bulldog has become one of the nation's most famous collegiate symbols with the continued use of the name UGA."
The Red & Black Articles
Vanishing Georgia Article
Eastman, GA the Home of Mr. Angel
You can visit Mr. Angel's Memorial at Magnolia State Bank's Eastman branch